Data & IT Services

Alivia has unique and innovative approaches to support strategic technology initiatives for commercial and government health plans. Our trusted partnership leverages extensive project experience, existing software functionality, best practices, and data accelerators. 

Claims System Modernization

Experts at Alivia Analytics form trusted partnerships with commercial and government health plan CIOs and IT executives to provide unique and innovative approaches for extending the life of a legacy claims system or migrating to a new system. See what makes us different.

Data De-Identification

Data security experts at Alivia Analytics support our clients with a data management solution for masking PHI in non-production environments, including X12 EDI, using de-identification to ensure patient privacy, maintain regulatory compliance, and enable responsible AI.

Data Conversions

Our DataChrome™ platform consolidates and ingests disparate claims data sources into a single, coherent framework, providing a unified view of your business operations. This ensures data quality, accessibility, and security for informed decision-making and efficiency.

Data Warehousing

Data management experts at Alivia leverage tools and innovative approaches to ingest new structured and unstructured data for fast, accurate insights in a secure healthcare data warehouse (healthcare DWH) or enterprise data warehouse (EDW) — modernizing your existing platform or implementing a new solution.

VBC Acceleration

Alivia’s Value-Based Care solution centers around PACES to support 1000+ episodes of care covering nearly 90% of Medicare spending and 80% of commercial medical spending. Our self-service analysis of your claims data shortens payer and provider negotiations and lowers costs, with better outcomes.