Cyber Exposures to Health Plan Systems: An Interview with Hacker & CSFI Chief of R&D

With the advent of virtual healthcare, data exposure continues to increase with continual threats against claims systems, providers, and other vital roles in the ecosystem.  

In this interview, SourcEdge CEO Mark McAdoo gains insight from Brad Hutson, Chief of Cyber Research and Development for the Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI). They discuss data security in the healthcare marketplace and Brad’s role as a professional “white hacker.” Brad is also a trusted Security Engineer at SourcEdge.

Topics covered in the interview include:

  • Threats and attack vectors being used and what the bad guys want
  • Common exploits among healthcare providers
  • Vulnerable risks from third parties and vendors
  • Using a data vault beyond traditional backups
  • Security message for healthcare CEOs

About CSFI:

The Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI) is a non-profit organization supported by a community of nearly 81,000 professionals. It is headquartered in Omaha NE and in Washington DC with a mission “to provide Cyber Warfare awareness, guidance, and security solutions through collaboration, education, volunteer work, and training to assist the US Government, US Military, Commercial Interests, and International Partners.”

About SourcEdge:

SourcEdge lives and breathes in the world of IT for health plans. We serve as a trusted technology solutions provider, staying on top of the regulatory mandates to protect patient information, working closely with world-class software, database, and cloud providers, and focusing on technology solutions that achieve financial and operational returns. Our talented people bring the most modern tools and proven best practices to each project to help health plans serve their members / patients and providers every day. We use a proven process for flexible engagements, from project delivery and consulting to staff augmentation.